داستان آبیدیک

mindfulness practice


1 روان شناسی و مشاوره:: تمرین ذهن آگاهی

The purposes of this chapter are to (1) describe the emergence of mindfulness in science and in education, and the assumptive frame- work that guides the study of mindfulness in education and human development; (2) describe various theoretical perspectives on what mindfulness is and does, as well as a description of five common, secular mindfulness practices used in schools with students today; and (3) sketch a conceptual framework regarding the kinds of skills and disposi- tions that these mindfulness practices are hypothesized to cultivate in students and a set of related hypotheses regarding the potential relevance of such skills and dispositions for students' motivation and learning in school. During this same period, there has also been a steady advance of practical applications and research on secular mindfulness practices in educational settings from the early childhood to post-secondary years (see Greenberg, & Harris, 2012; Zajonc, in press; Zelazo & Lyons, 2012). Developmental Contemplative Science (DCS) is a nascent, interdisciplinary effort, rooted in Contemplative Science (Lutz, Dunne, & Davidson, 2007)-a specialized field of study focused on the putative effects of engagement in contemplative practices like medita- tion, mindfulness practice, or yoga on the body, brain, and mind. What do mindfulness practices do functionally (with regard to physiology, psychology, and behavior) and phenomenologically (with regard to the quality of individuals' experience)? Functional definitions of mindfulness focus on the specific practices used in trainings and what specific mindfulness practices function to do with respect to the development of skills and dispositions and their underlying neurophysiology.

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